
About Panthera

PANTHERA is the biggest Non-Governmental Organization working specifically for the of wild Felines’ conservation of our planet and its habitats. Founded in 2006 in USA by the philanthropists Thomas Kaplan and Daphne Recanati-Kaplan after their meeting with the biologists Alan Rabinowitz and Georges Schaller, PANTHERA regroups nowadays the most eminent specialists of these animals, experts in site security, as well as lawyers and others professionals, who develop and implement different and innovative conservation strategies– both at the local level and at diplomatic and governmental scales – to protect felines et and vast environments in which they live. Present in 36 countries around the world, and with the help of its different antennas including the French antenna PANTHERA FRANCE created in 2016, Panthera is working on all fronts to reduce and eliminate the most pressing threats weighing on felines in order to ensure their future.

« We have decided to commit ourselves alongside Panthera to take an active part in this environmental fight which is in the continuity of our establishment and its philosophy. Lumigny Safari Reserve whose experience in reproduction is no longer in doubt, is now taking a step forward with this superior commitment for the conservation of endangered species. In addition to informing our visitors about the threats facing our planet, its natural environments and its wildlife, the Parc des Félins will now be helping to protect these magnificent species from extinction, for which our animals are true ambassadors, pampered by our teams in our large enclosures. Panthera is one of the most effective NGOs in the field, and gives us a guarantee that the funds donated will be put to good use. We know that our financial support and the donations our visitors may make – whether it’s the 2 euros offered by a little girl in awe of our cheetahs, or the hundreds of euros regularly donated by cat lovers sensitive to this cause – will be entirely earmarked for programs in the field and used in a way that is relevant to this safeguarding objective, because Panthera has the experience and expertise in this field and has, since its creation, demonstrated its seriousness with actions that have produced concrete positive results.” Patrick JARDIN, General Manager, and Jonathan PATIN, Director.

To get engaged with us to save felines, go to www.panthera.org and www.panthera.org/france.

You can also make a donation in the different collection urn of the parc or get the Panthera membership form from our reception team.

How are your donations used ?

Below, some examples of concrete action led by Panthera in the field.

  • Furs for life program.

In South Africa, among the Shembe Church’s Zoulous, cult celebrations reunite tens of thousands persons along the year. The ceremonial outfit of these ritual festival includes notably a sort of cape in leopard skin worn shirtless, species symbolizing for them the power. Instead of creating a conflict with members of the community by denouncing the use of these furs, Panthera developed since 2013 the program Fur For Life, corresponding to an exchange of good practices: providing to the Shembe synthetic capes perfectly imitating leopard fur, in return to no longer take leopards from the wild for new furs. From 2014 to 2017, more than 18000 synthetic capes were distributed, leading to a drop of use of real furs by 50%.

Shembe dancers– July 2017 / © Gareth Whittington-Jones & Panthera

  • Development of PoacherCams.

Photographic traps are since a long time used by biologists to quantify populations and study the biology of many species. Panthera developed several photographic traps for their own use, such as the PoacherCam which is equipped of an immediate satellite transmission to the rangers’ basecamp. With an algorithm able to differentiate the man from other animal species, PoacherCams permit to alert in real time rangers’ patrols in case of human intrusion in a protected area. Even if the poacher spot the photo trap and destroy it, too late for him, the picture is already transmitted to the rangers and to the competent authorities…

Tiger ranger team formation, Lake Kenyir / © Nick Beale / Panthera

PoacherCam / © Wai Ming Wong / Panthera

This list stays non exhaustive of the hundreds of initiatives led by Panthera across the world…

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