
What payment methods are accepted ?
The following methods of payment are accepted on site: cash, cheques, bank cards, American Express, ANCV vacation vouchers and luncheon vouchers.

Can I come to the park with my dog or other pet ?
No, visitors are not allowed to visit Lumigny Safari Reserve with their dogs or other pets. (Law dated 10/07/1976). We are very strict with this rule, not only for the health and safety of our animals, but also for the hygiene of other visitors. We do not have a kennel for your pets during your visit.

Can I ride my bike or scooter in the park ? 
Visitors are not allowed to use bicycles or scooters at Lumigny Safari Reserve (adults and children).

Can we leave and return to the Park ?
It is possible to leave the park and return, but you must go to reception to obtain a stamp or a re-entry bracelet.

Are there any points for reheating baby jars or bottles ?
Yes, microwaves are available to heat up your baby’s meal at the Lumigny Safari Reserve reception desk, at Le Kilimandjaro restaurant and at Le Magot snack bar (on the Terre de Singes tour).

Can we pet the park’s animals ?
The only animals you can pet in the park are the mini-farm animals.

Can we feed the park’s animals ?
The only animals that can be fed at the park are the mini-farm animals and the lorikeets, but only with food provided by the park.

Where do the park’s animals come from ?
Most of the animals you see at Lumigny Safari Reserve were born in captivity, either in our parks or in other zoos or breeding centers. However, some of our animals may be the result of administrative seizures (from private individuals or others…). In some cases, animals born in the wild cannot be reintroduced.

How many times a day do animals eat ?
How often and how much an animal is fed is determined by how it eats in the wild. While birds or primates are constantly on the lookout for food and are therefore fed daily, some felines are fed only 3 or 4 times a week. The aim is to follow the animals’ biological rhythms.

Do you feed live animals to felines ?
From an ethical point of view, we don’t feed live prey to felines. If in the wild, potential prey always has a chance to escape, this would not be the case in an enclosure. On the other hand, our felines do occasionally have the opportunity to exercise their skills with the many birds and rabbits that live on the estate…

Is it possible to take photos with felines, baby felines, bottle-feed, etc…?
All the animals in the park are living beings and not objects. As such, the park does not offer any services involving physical contact with felines, baby felines or other animals, nor does it feed baby animals. Newborns stay exclusively with their mothers, and are only handled by the animal team when absolutely necessary.

Can we have a wild feline, a monkey, etc… at home ?
Most of the animals housed in our parks are endangered species, and with the exception of certain species of birds in the psittacidae family, their possession is highly regulated. In the case of felines and primates, authorization to own these animals is subject to obtaining a certificate of competence. Obtaining this authorization is highly complex, and requires the applicant to be able to demonstrate to a commission of experts his or her ability to meet the needs of the species for which the application is being made, and a perfect knowledge of its requirements.
In addition, illegal possession of wildlife exposes the offender to penalties of up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a €50,000 fine.

Do the animals in the parks have a chance of being released back into the wild ?
Reintroducing endangered species into the wild is one of the aims of our work. While some primates, such as golden lion tamarins and certain birds, have been able to reinforce certain wild populations, it is more complex to envisage the large-scale reintroduction of large predators. Indeed, while it is possible to teach a feline to hunt again, it is more complex to teach it to avoid humans, especially if they are accustomed to its presence, as is the case in zoos.
However, the animals in our parks have an important role to play: they are ambassadors for their wild cousins. Their role, through the wonder they bring to visitors, is to make them aware of the consequences that human activities can have on the survival of their fellow creatures. Captive animal populations also help to preserve a genetic reservoir in case large-scale reinsertion becomes possible in the future.

Is it possible to spend the night with a camper van in the park parking lot ?
The Lumigny Safari Reserve parking lot is totally closed at night, and it is not possible to stay there. The Terre de Singes circuit parking lot remains accessible, and our motorhome friends are free to spend the night there. However, the parking lot is not a motorhome park, and therefore has no facilities dedicated to accommodating motorhomes (drainage points, water filling, electrical connections, etc.).

How do you get to work in a zoo ?
Many of you have asked this question, and we’ve set up a dedicated page in the recruitment section of the site.




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