

Awakening curiosity and educating

Lumigny Safari Reserve is home to almost 600 animals on a 100-hectare estate.

Where do they come from? What’s the difference between a cheetah, a panther or a jaguar? How do magots organize their social life? You can find out all about this as you stroll through the lanes of the reserve. At Lumigny Safari Reserve, knowledge is within everyone’s reach. Our team of eco-guides is on hand throughout the day to tell you all about the life and habits of our animals. Through their many daily activities, they will be real sources of knowledge for children and adults alike. Don’t hesitate to ask!

Species data sheets

Lumigny Safari Reserve goes one step further in terms of species information. Opposite each territory are fact sheets to learn more about the species housed there.
The park is transparent about the origin of its animals: all the animals in the park were either born in captivity or entrusted to us by customs after seizures. Young animals are sent to other parks as part of ex-situ conservation programs.

Thematic panels

Along the way, the park also features thematic panels on feline diet, reproduction and births, observation and threats.
Rich in illustrations and content, these panels are highly instructive!

Treasure hunts and riddles

Mystery on the Asian circuit. Aurélie needs your help to solve a mystery. An animal has been murdered, but the killers have left a trail. Will you be able to trace it?
But shhhh, it’s not for adults!




Duration : Continuous     From : All ages

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