
The time when zoological parks weren’t implicated in the conservation of animal species is long gone ! Indeed, in addition to breeding programs (check ex-situ conservation), a huge part of zoological parks of the entire world work in favor of the conservation of endangered species  and the different biotopes directly in nature. We call this the IN-SITU CONSERVATION.

Zoological parks have a constantly growing importance in this sector because now, without them, a lot of associations couldn’t get the funds necessary to carry their research and conservation programs. As zoological parks are visited a lot, they can inform their visitors of the key challenges of our planet and discuss precise subjects like the threats to Love Panthers or on the Amphibians. Parks are used as a relay between nature and the general public and collect founds that will always be used for the good.

One of the most important group in matter of conservation in-situ is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (In French: l’Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature). It’s the biggest and most important network of the world working for the conservation of our planet’s diversity. The union brings together 82 states, 111 governmental organisms, more than 800 NGO, and around 10.000 scientists and experts of 181 countries in an unique world association. The Unions’ mission is to influence, encourage and help societies in the entire world to keep the integrity and the diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is fair et ecologically sustainable. The International Union for Conservation of Nature is a multicultural and multilingual organization with 1000 persons working in 62 countries. Its headquarters are located in Gland, Switzerland.

UICN includes a work group dedicated to Felines’ conservation: it’s the CAT SPECIALIST GROUP. It regroups many specialists and offer a subscription, CAT NEWS, a bi-annual newsletter of around 50 pages regrouping the Felines’ news (scientific articles, newspaper clipping, book chronicles, discoveries, …) which we recommend you to read.

To go further in the conversation IN-SITU, our park joined forces in 2018 to the biggest Non-Governmental Organization of Felines’ conservation: Panthera.

To learn more on Panthera… Click here

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