
Northern pintail

Anas acuta

The Northern Pintail is a duck of the Anatidae family.
The adult male can be recognized at first glance. Its chocolate-brown head is marked at the back by a white line that runs up the side of the neck. The hindquarters are clearly two-tone, creamy-white and black, with a clear vertical separation. The long, pointed tail is two-tone, white with black stripes.
The adult female, like other female ducks, has discreet brown plumage. It can be recognized by its slender silhouette, reminiscent of the male, long, slender neck and long, pointed tail. The distinctly russet head and steel-gray bill are good identification criteria. The rest of the plumage is all shades of brown.

The Northern Pintail is a species that breeds at high latitudes on the North American and Eurasian continents.

The pintail is still one of the most numerous duck species, and as such is not threatened.

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