
Alexandrine Parrot

The Alexandrine Parrot is a species of bird in the psittacine family. It was named in memory of Emperor Alexander the Great who had it exported to various countries and regions in Europe and the Mediterranean.

It is mainly green although its cheeks and neck have blue-gray highlights. The abdomen is yellowish-green, the upper part of the central tail feathers is bluish-green with yellow tips, the outer tail feathers are green while the underside of the tail is yellow. Adult males (over 3 years old) have a black collar in each of the subspecies. Adult females (over 3 years old) often exhibit a light to medium gray collar shading.

In the wild, this bird consumes seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, buds, flowers and nectars. It also causes considerable damage to grain, rice, corn and fruit crops. Its status is almost threatened.


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